Summer may still be a few calendar pages away, but at Namco Pools, we understand the nostalgia of the season’s chill, laid-back vibes. However, you don’t have to wait for the warming days to rise to treat yourself to a dish that embodies the soul of summer. That’s precisely why we’ve whipped up something special. Say hello to a recipe that’s not just a nod to healthy eating but is also vegan-friendly—a dish you can proudly serve as a main or complementary side alongside your protein faves.

We’re thrilled to roll out the carpet for the Namco Pools’ Ultimate Pesto Potato Salad, inspired by the recipe of The Modern Proper. This dish is a love letter to summer. Whether you’re enjoying an outdoor meal, hosting a backyard BBQ in summer, or enjoying the cozy winter days at home, this salad will surely steal the show and become the highlight of your cooking skills all year round.

The Perfect Poolside Feast All Year Around: Pesto Potato Salad

You got it—here’s how to whip up the Namco Pools’ Ultimate Splash Pesto Potato Salad that’ll have everyone asking for seconds!

Ingredients for the salad:
2 lbs of baby potatoes, halved or quartered
1 tablespoon of olive oil
A pinch of salt
Ingredients for the vegan pesto:
A hearty bunch of fresh basil (about 2 cups packed)
3 cloves of garlic, peeled
1/2 cup pine nuts (you can also use walnuts or cashews)
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
A squeeze of lemon juice (optional for some acid and fresh taste)

Start by prepping your potatoes. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and toss in your baby potatoes. Let them cook until fork-tender, usually about 15–20 minutes, then drain and let them cool for a bit.
You can get to the pesto while the potatoes take a steamy dip. Combine the basil, garlic, and pine nuts in a food processor or blender. Pulse until everything is roughly chopped.
Keep the processor running and slowly pour in the olive oil. You’re looking for a smooth, saucy consistency. If it’s too thick, drizzle in a little bit more oil.
Sneak in a taste, add a pinch of salt, and squeeze in that lemon juice.
Toss the cooked potatoes with the pesto in a large bowl, offering them a good mix to ensure they’re all coated in that green goodness.

A few extra notes:

  • Go nuts with your nuts! While pine nuts are traditional, walnuts or cashews can add a lovely twist.
  • A sprinkle of grated Parmesan or your favorite vegan choice like nutritional yeast or vegan Parmesan over the top never hurts. If you like a Mediterranean touch, add Jamón Serrano, any ham you choose, or boiled eggs for a salty experience with a little more protein.  
  • Leftovers (if there are any!) keep well in the fridge and taste even better the next day when the flavors have had more time to mingle.
    And there you have it—a simple, versatile, and utterly delicious vegan-friendly pesto potato salad by Namco Pools. 

Indulge in this potato pesto salad as the star of the show or a flavorful side to your preferred protein—it’s guaranteed to add lots of flavor to any meal, from a BBQ to a vegan feast. This salad is the perfect dish to enjoy the summer warmth all year round, so start preparing, savor every bite, and experience a sun-kissed celebration every day with Namco Pools.