Summer is getting closer! Powering through a heatwave often means taking a refreshing dip in the swimming pool. We’re all about making sure everyone has a safe and fun time at the pool. One big thing we have to make sure we do is store pool chemicals responsibly. Even though these chemicals are super important for keeping your pool water nice and clear, we must handle them with care. Let’s jump into the dos and don’ts of storing pool chemical products to help you foster an attractive, healthy, and safe swimming environment.

Original Packaging: Always store your pool chemicals in their original containers. This helps prevent accidentally mixing chemicals, which could cause seriously risky reactions. Plus, keeping them in their original containers makes it easy to spot them and gives you all the important safety and usage info right there on the label.
Child-Proof Storage: Your chemical product storage should be out of reach of children and pets. Always ensure your storage area has a lock or latch that can be secured and cannot be easily tampered with by curious little fingers or paws. Consider storing these pool products at higher shelf levels or in locked cabinets for added safety.
Cool, Dry, and Well-Ventilated Location: Chemical products should always be stored in cool, dry, and well-ventilated spaces to prevent reactions caused by exposure to heat, sunlight, or moisture. Avoid storing near any water source.
Segregate by Type: Not all pool chemicals are created equal. Different groups of chemicals react differently when mixed together. It’s vastly important to store your chemicals separately based on their types to prevent any undesired, unplanned chemical reactions. You must keep your chlorine, acid, and algaecides away from each other.
Don’t Stack Chemical Containers: Similar to segregating by type, you should also avoid stacking chemical containers on top of each other. Containers may have minor leaks and drips that could react with the chemical container at the bottom.
Cleaning and Maintenance: When it comes to storage, cleanliness matters. Make sure your storage area is well-organized and clean. Clean spilled chemicals immediately to prevent reactions, and always use clean scoops and measuring cups for each chemical to avoid cross-contamination.
Safety Gear: While handling and storing these chemicals, always remember to use safety gear like gloves and goggles. Safety gear protects you from chemical spills, splashes, and fumes.
Proper Disposal: Last but not least, remember that these chemical products need to be disposed of properly. The product and its container can cause environmental harm if not disposed of responsibly. It is recommended to fully use the product before disposing of the containers or follow the recommended disposal instructions if the product has expired.

What to Do if You Have an Accident Storing Pool Chemicals

Assess the Situation: Keep a cool head. First and foremost, evaluate the severity of the situation. If it’s chemical exposure like skin contact or inhalation of fumes, seek immediate medical help.
Ventilate the Area: If entire containers have been spilled, open doors and windows to allow fresh air to dissipate the fumes or dust. This step can help prevent any ill effects from inhaling chemical fumes.
Evacuate the Area: In case of a major spill, evacuate the room and, if necessary, even your home. Ensure children, pets, and other family members are removed from the vicinity.
Call for Professionals: In cases of significant spills, it’s safe to call professionals who are equipped and trained to handle such situations.
Safety Gear: If it’s a minor spill, put on your safety gear before heading towards the accident site. Gear like rubber gloves, long sleeves, goggles, long pants, and closed-toe shoes will help protect you.
Chemical Neutralization: Use a neutralizing agent if suitable and available. Follow manufacturer guidelines for neutralization. Otherwise, a solution of baking soda and water can help neutralize acid spills.
Clean-Up: After making sure it’s safe and you’re properly geared, clean the spill. Use absorbent materials, like cloth, sand, or sawdust, to contain and clean the spill. Dispose of used materials responsibly.

Always remember, swimming pools are about enjoyment, relaxation, and fun shared with our family and friends. Taking good care of your pool, like ensuring you store chemicals properly, really adds to the enjoyment factor. We’re always here to help at Namco Pools. Contact us for all kinds of pool maintenance concerns and supplies; we put the “cool” in your pool. Happy and safe swimming!