Having a swimming pool can be fun and a great investment. Whether you're thinking of purchasing a pool or already have a pool, it is important to know how to maintain it. Once you learn the basic steps to keeping a clean and running pool, you will be a professional in no time. Here are 8 things you should be doing to maintain your pool!

1.Monthly: Check and Adjust Alkalinity and Ph 

You should be testing your pool water regularly, especially after rainy days. But you should only really have to balance your pool's Alkalinity and Ph about once a month. Your alkalinity and Ph go hand in hand because your alkalinity will indicate your water’s ability to withstand the change in the Ph. So generally, keeping your alkaline level balanced will help you keep your Ph levels balanced as well. If you find yourself having to adjust these levels more frequently, it might be a good idea to bring a sample of your water to Namco for a test to see how to fix that.

2. Monthly: Clean the Filter

At least once a month, you are going to have to clean your filter and pump trap basket. It is important to keep your filter and pump free of any debris that could potentially block flow to your pool and clog your equipment. The trap basket can be found connected to your pool pump. All you need to do is empty the basket and spray it down with a hose if there is excess debris in the holes of the basket. You want to make sure water can easily flow through the basket and into the pump. You can find how to clean your specific filter in the filter manual that came with your filter.

3. Weekly: Once or Twice a week, Test your Pool Water 

You might not need to adjust any chemical levels every time you test your water, but it is better to be safe than sorry! Testing strips will make your life while maintaining your pool so easy all summer long. Submerge your strip about one foot under the pool water, and within seconds you will be able to tell if your water is clean and safe, and you can lounge in your backyard vacation spot.

4. Weekly: Add your Algaecide

About once a week you should add algaecide to your pool to prevent unwanted algae growth. Algaecide will also keep your pool from turning green and will leave the water looking clean and new.

5. Weekly: Add your Clarifier
You should also add in your clarifier to help your pool run smoothly and stay sparkling clean! It is used to combine tiny particles that form in your pool to make it easier for your filter to collect. With less algae and oil particles, your water will stay clear.

6. Weekly: Shock your Pool

Shock is another product that should be added to your pool about once a week to maintain clean water. You should be shocking your pool at least once a week if you have a lot of people in your pool, or if you have been having extremely hot or stormy weather.

7. Weekly: Brush and Vacuum your Pool

Brushing the walls and vacuuming the floor of your pool helps to keep your water clean and balanced as well. Cleaning your pool weekly will help you fight algae, and you will end up needing fewer chemicals. Automatic pool cleaners do the trick as well and might end up saving you time and money.

8. Weekly: Empty Skimmer

While you should be cleaning your skimmer and trap basket monthly or biweekly, you should at least empty the skimmer basket once a week at the minimum. Dump out all the debris and leaves the basket has collected and return the basket to the skimmer. This simple step could save you trouble with your pump later!

Now that you know the 8 basic steps to keep up with your pool, you can sit back and enjoy the sparkling water you just cleaned. It might make your life a little easier if you add them to the family calendar. Keeping up with these quick and easy maintenance tips will help ensure a clean pool and happy summer.