After the success of our previous Halloween blog featuring ten simple and spooky uses for pool noodles, we're back with more! Namco Pools knows that pool noodles aren't just for swimming. They're a versatile, reliable, and a fun tool for decorating your house for this fall. Halloween offers the perfect opportunity to add some spooky decorations to your haunted house using pool noodles. 

Also, pool noodles are a money-saving option to create memories that last forever. When Halloween arrives, you’ll have eight more ideas for additional uses for pool noodles that will surely scare and delight your friends and neighbors this holiday. 


The Versatility and Value of Pool Noodles

Just as pool noodles serve as a fun toy and an excellent exercise float in summer, they are a surprising superstar during the Halloween season as well! Their lightweight, easy-to-manipulate nature makes them perfect for creating a wide variety of spooky DIY decorations for this fall. 

There’s no need to store away your used pool noodles after summer. Their transition from pool and beach toys to craft material is seamless, allowing for year-round use. When October rolls around, the Pool Noodles can be the backbone of your crafty Halloween decorations.

Best of all, you’ll be crafting Halloween decorations that are not only unique and enchanting but extremely cost-effective as well. With Pool Noodles, you can create unforgettable Halloween spaces and beautiful memories without breaking the bank.

8 More Creative and Spooky Ways to Use Pool Noodles This Halloween  

Pool noodles are incredibly versatile, and we want you to see how you can use them for this Halloween’s decoration! Whether you want to create a haunted house, give some seriously creepy vibes with Scarecrows all over your home, or just want to create a playful and colorful decoration, we have ideas for all your needs and deeds. Here are our eight ideas to get creative for this Halloween: 

 Monster Tentacles

Design a sea monster with tentacles sprouting from your garden or pool using sliced-up pool noodles. You can even add suction cups made from paper or felt! Get creative and give the pool noodles the form of your nightmares! 

Pool Noodle Scarecrow

Why not give traditional autumn scarecrows a spooky Halloween twist? Using pool noodles for the base can add a touch of festive color and make assembly a breeze. You can combine elements like pumpkins for the head and use old clothing for the haunted fit. Paint your pool noodles with a dark color and assemble all your ingredients for the perfect creature of the night to scare all your neighbors! 

Alien Antennae

Need something extraterrestrial? Pool noodles can turn into large antennas for an alien-themed setting or costume. Just fashion them into large, funky antennas, or cut them and use as many as you like! Now’s the time to look from out of this world! 

 Creeper Vines

Spray-painted in green, brown, or black pool noodles can mimic creepy Halloween vines by being twisted around doors and windows. You could even have them twisted around a PVC pole and give the impression of an old and haunted house. 

 Ghastly Ghouls

Create a horde of ghosts using white pool noodles with draped white fabric and haunted faces drawn on. Customize them to fit your indoor rooms and give your family and loved ones a spooky welcome! 

Pool Noodle Candy Wraps

Bigger is always better when it comes to Halloween, right? Create oversized, wrapped candy decorations using brightly colored pool noodles that are perfect for all the children wanting to go around the neighborhood. Use hot glue on a low setting and start rolling your pool noodles to look like a lolly-pop. Use some light colors, liter foam, and other materials to create cheerful giant pool noodle candy wraps for all the kids! 

Vampire Teeth

Shape pool noodles into creepy oversized vampire teeth that you can hang on a wall or over a doorway. This fun, easy, and affordable project adds a thrill to your Halloween decoration!

Scary Scorpions Using Pool Noodles

Inspire some spine-chilling fear this Halloween by creating grisly yard scorpions from pool noodles. This creative craft is perfect for transforming your yard into a frightful desert scene! Like a pool noodle spider, the scorpions would require beach balls, black garbage bags, googly eyes, and lots of pool noodles to similize the body, legs, and stinger.    

With these eight new creative and spooky ways to use pool noodles this fall, you’ll be, rest assured, the winning house for innovative decorations and creepy trinkets! 


This Halloween, why not put your Pool Noodles to the test? Just as they liven up beach visits and exercise sessions, let them bring that same joy to the spookiest holiday of the year. We invite you to explore the scary - yet seriously fun - possibilities of Halloween crafting with Namco's Promo Pool Noodles. Grab your pool noodles now!